Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Weinstein Wednesday's

Human penis size is the measured length and width of the human penis
Mean human penis length is approximately 5.1–5.9 inches.
Average circumference (width) is 4.972 inches.

So you're dating some dude and things are going very well... and the day is soon approaching when The Weinstein will make it's first appearance.  The anxiety, mystery and wonder behind this moment builds monopolizing your thoughts- big, small , fat, skinny, bent, circumcised, red, brown, black, blonde....
The variety is endless. Therefore we have created Weinstein 101 a guide to predicting your man's weinstein before you get the official introduction.

Weinstein 101:
Jew = small baby penis, stay away.
Italian = good size to big, with some girth. Good in the sack as well.. go for the guidos.
Black (any amount 1/2, 1/4, 1/8) = HUGE (length and width).
Portuguese = bigger then average.
Asian = sorry ladies never been there, but the reports say the smallest of them all! So just stay away.
Irish = smaller then average and mostly likely will have whiskey dick. NEXT.
Hispanic (puerto rican) = above average, uncircumcised.
Latin = below average to average.. waa waa.. next.
Brit = average.
Australian= above average, combined with that accent.. whoop whoop.
German = average.
France = above average... so fear not if you bagged yourself a frenchie.

Miscellaneous notes on weinstein prediction:

  • Hands are not a direct correlation with weinstein size, I had a weinstein once that was big and my hands were bigger then his.
  • Quiet, reserved, shy guys can mean a small baby weinstein.  The opposite holds true, loud and outgoing equals big weinstein.

Hope this was helpful bitches. xoxox.

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